Camera Gimbal Update.


I released the next part of the Camera Gimbal build.

It’s taken a little while longer to build that i anticipated, i haven’t had much time for this project but it is moving forward slowly.
I need to build the handle, and mount the electronics properbly, but haven’t figure’t that out yet.

I hope to have a crude demo of the Gimbal ready soon. It has been powered up, and balanced once, and seemed to work ok, but with wires all over I was not able to make a prober test of the Camera Gimbal.






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  1. Farid September 4, 2016

    i am Mexican photographer and interests me build a gimbal with brushless motors like your project, but do not know much about electronic , I was wondering if you could provide me with a copmpleta BOM, in exchange for financial remuneration and your help to program . .

    • Max May 9, 2017

      I am replying to an old post but considering the quantity and quality of response you are getting from the fans, I humbly suggest you to start a Patreon. I am working on similar projects ( smaller budget though ) and I will gladly support you on Patreon.

      • Paw Pedersen July 18, 2017

        Hello Max.
        Thank you, i will consider making a patreon page. maybe later this year.

  2. Farid September 4, 2016

    i am Mexican photographer and interests me build a gimbal with brushless motors like your project, but do not know much about electronic , I was wondering if you could provide me with a complete list of materials, in exchange for financial remuneration and your help to program .

    • Paw Pedersen September 19, 2016

      Hello Farid

      I a’m making a article on the parts i used and drawings, but maybe we can find some kind of agreement.

      • Farid September 19, 2016

        thank you to answer my message.

        and hope we can reach an agreement , which would tell me that agreement and we will gladly discuss to get a good finish . One more thing if we ahacer one you could also try to help me get the materials, because in my country Mexico may see a little difficult.

      • Farid September 19, 2016

        thank you to answer my message.

        and hope we can reach an agreement , which would tell me that agreement and we will gladly discuss to get a good finish . One more thing if we make a deal you could also help me get the materials, because in my country Mexico may see a little difficult.

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