Camera Slider – Controlled by Arduino

Camera Slider Build.

This article is about how i made my own smart camera slider, i wanted to build my own camera slider that would be used for both video and timelapse photography.
I spend a lot of time looking for parts for the build, and found the most of the parts i used in China, and i think that is the reason i was able to build this for under 100$ 

The part list is further down, not every part is on the list as some of the parts where scrap metals i had laying around.

Camera Slider

In the First video i’m building the frame and slider mechanism,

In the second video i build the slider, i made a mistake on the layout so had to redo it, but it turned out pretty well, i plan to trim away som of the unused edges of the aluminum plate to reduce the weight.
I also assemble the electronics in a plastic box, not the most elegant way, but was in my flat so i had limited access to tools.

I will make a schematic and release my code here, i just need some time to clean it up a bit.

In the Third Video i show the Camera Slider in action, it is almost done, i plan to make some changes to the menu and code of the Arduino, and i am also having a bit of trouble with the timing belt, i think it is a bit to skinny,
And i think i have to move the pulley bearings closer to the pulley wheel to get some more grib on the timing belt.


All in all it is working like i planed it to, but i deffently need some tweaking, and i will continue to develop on this for some time.

For now it is time to make footage with it, so please check back later.

The Part list:

2.8 Inch TFT Touch LCD Screen

Arduino UNO R3 MEGA328P

Pulley and Timing belt

EasyDriver v4.4

5V Relay

16mm linear bearing rail shaft

16mm Open Linear Bearing

Nema 17 Stepper Motor

Ball Head Pergear

When you order parts from China: Shipping can take a long time, taxes depending where you live, Quality may not live up to your expectations.

Check out my YouTube Channel and if you wish to support please subscribe to my channel.


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  1. Alessandro April 14, 2016

    Wow Paw! Nice work! I’m going to buy parts and I’d like to do your project! I’ve a6000 you make a video or image for schematic and code please? Tua o you. You are great!

  2. Denis April 26, 2016

    me to 😀

  3. Ciudin Adrian June 16, 2016

    super project, could you post the electronics wire up? what goes where? I am truing to replicate your project, all the part are here, but not sure how to connect them . Thanks a lot

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