Mostly Printed CNC(MPCNC) Project

My newest project is building the mostly printed CNC machine. Created by vicious1

My goal with this is to share what I experienced with this build so other maybe benefit from it. I am certainly not an expert on CNC machines. and all of this has been a learning experience for me.

I choose to print the 25mm version Because I live in Europe and that is much easier to come by.


I will use the MPCNC primarily for milling purposes. But thinking of adding Laser and Drag-knife to machine.


This is a list of parts I used. (Some links may be affiliate)

10pcs / lot 3D printer accessories bearing U-groove pulley bearing guide wheel extruder dedicated 608ZZ  – I used 60, with a couple to spare.

1pcs Mega 2560 R3 + 1pcs RAMPS 1.4 Controller + 5pcs A4988 Stepper Driver Module /RAMPS 1.4 2004 LCD control for 3D Printer kit

8pcs 16 teeth GT2 Timing Pulley Bore 5mm + 5Meters GT2 timing Belt Wide 6mm 2GT belt

RGB Wire Connector Cable 22AWG

THSL-500-8D T-type stepper motor Lead Screw Dia 8MM Thread 8mm

100pcs M5*10 M5 x 10 Zinc Alloy Furniture Flanged Hex Drive Head Nut Threaded For Wood Insert Nut

These are simular to the parts i used in my build.

Although you can buy the parts and 3Dprints at vicious1’s Shop


I choose to print the MPCNC in PETG with infill of 55% recommended by vicious1 in PLA. But PETG should be stronger, and cope with heat better than PLA.

I printet everything with the Cheap Tevo Tarantula 3D printer. Which did an ok Job – But I did require some nursing the get it to print decent.


To make it more stable i printed some crossbeams. But I intend to do some more improvements as I get more experience with the machine.
The xyz mecanism does have some wobble, but I have not found a solution to that yet.


I used this Calculator to get the measurements for the conduits

I choose to have it 1000 mm x 1000 mm x 540 mm Which gives me a work area of  X736 mm x Y736 mm x Z360 MM
I am a little worried I have to shorten the Z axis to make it more stable. At this height it is a little bit of wobble which is not to good when using it for milling.


I did some steps to MM calibration, that is it so far.


As i quick learned there is a lot of different software out there for this. I wen’t with Fusion360 as a CAD, CAM software and Printrun/Pronterface to send the G-Codes.



The Fusion 360 files for the Teddy can be download here


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1 Comment

  1. Massimo Caprinali (@manzyinter) February 20, 2019

    Hey, have you resolved the wobble problems?

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